Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Why Is Investing A Supply Chain Management Essay

Even though advancement in IT sector and its investments have streamlined the complex supply chains, the risks concerned with investment in IT cannot be overlooked. Investing in IT sector might be bad when it comes to economic condition and so companies are thinking twice before investing in IT. Moreover, factors such as rapid improvement in the present technologies, introduction of newer versions and speedy decrement in their cost also helps their cause from investing in IT. This paper focuses on such enigmatic situations and highlights their possible solution. The paper examines these issues through secondary data based on compilations of various research articles and articles from books. INTODUCTION With the rapid emergence and massive growth in IT sector, there is a need for the IT industry to change itself according to the upcoming challenges in the near future. When it comes to IT sector investments in supply chain management, it is considered as spring board in removing the difficulties in the industry. It is essential for the executives dealing with supply chain to reconsider the IT investment strategies, when technologies such as Cloud Computing, Web, and social media are being used widely. This can be done pertaining to the following two components of IT Investments: ïÆ' ¼ Preserving and maintaining the existing capabilities. ïÆ' ¼ Evolving fresh capabilities. Preservation and maintenance of the existing capabilities can be done by analysing the currentShow MoreRelatedSainsburys Supply Chain Transformation Case Study Examination604 Words   |  3 Pagesdecided to commence a project called 7-in-3 supply chain management project in late 2000. Companys Supply Chain Director, Martin White, summarized the 4 key principles of 7-in-3 supply chain strategy. Rises of automated fulfillment factories and primary consolidation centre. 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