Saturday, May 23, 2020

The First Name Of The Child - 1574 Words

The name of the child entrusted to me is Yvelisse Yamile Garcia de Luz. According to an online name database, her first name means, â€Å"life; or the vine of life† and her middle name means â€Å"beautiful.† From doing some online research, I have realized that, â€Å"her first name is a form of the name Ivelisse. The child’s first name is of French origin; however it is still used and pronounced in Spanish speaking countries† (Name Yvelisse, 2014). In addition to that, â€Å"the child’s middle name is a form of the American name, Jamila which is also heard in Spanish speaking countries but is of Arabic, Spanish, and Swahili origins† (Name Yamile, 2013). Yvelisse’s mother’s last name is Rodriguez while her father’s last name is Garcia de Luz. When her parents got married, her mother dropped her last name. Yvelisse’s race/ethnicity is Cuban as both her parents were born in Cuba. Her father was born in the early 70 s in the capital city as known as Havana, and her mother was born in the mid-80s in Santiago de Cuba, the second largest city. Yvelisse was conceived in Havana where her parents met. Her family lived there for two years before moving to Florida in the United States after another two years when Yvelisse turned 4 years old, her family moved to Maryland. The Cuban culture is extremely rich and has such knowledge, depth, and perception. From doing a bit of online research, I have found that there are 10 major cultures that makeup Cuba as a whole which are as follows: the language,Show MoreRelatedThe True Beauty Of Religion1617 Words   |  7 Pagesreligion is the fact that there is no set definition, allowing for each region of the world to interpret and practice their beliefs in their own manner. Naming a newborn child is considered a significant rite of passage in numerous religions all around the world. 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