Sunday, November 3, 2019

Juvenile delinquency Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Juvenile delinquency - Essay Example The American government has taken a lot of steps to lower the crime rate amongst the juvenile. The first jail for such offenders was opened in 1825 and by the year of 1875, there were forty juvenile prisons. (Musick, 24). Chicago Reformers also worked a great deal for such children by opening the state reform schools. Musick says that, â€Å"by 1900, thirty-two states passed compulsory attendance laws† (25). Juvenile courts were another effort by the legislators. The history shows that the legislation has been influenced through out to make the changes concerning the juvenile delinquency. The government always tried to look into the reasons which cause such horrifying situations. There are many reasons, which influence the legislation again and again to change its approach towards the juvenile criminals. Immaturity, drug addiction, severe poverty, and abuse, which can be physical, mental or sexual, are the most obvious causes so far. Musick writes that, â€Å"by the middle of twentieth century, news about neglect and abuse began to influence children’s laws† (28). Macko writes that, â€Å"Unfortunately, statistics prove that such youths are disproportionately affected by social problems linked historically to crime. These social problems include: the breakdown of the family, poverty and poor education.† Homicides can become another basis for it. Macko estimates that, â€Å"The United States averages, currently, about 21 ,000 homicides per year.† Musick stresses on â€Å"homelessness, current pattern of father abandonment and dual wage earnings† (37,) which are getting the children to indulge in criminal acts. He also points out that, â€Å"Quality child care is expensive and scarce.† Hart wrote that, â€Å"Juvenile sex offenders pasts might go public† to stop them from committing crimes. â€Å"A federal law in July 2010, however, could compel states to reveal the identities of many young sex offenders on a

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