Friday, September 6, 2019

Summary, Paraphrase, and Critical Analysis of a Section Essay Example for Free

Summary, Paraphrase, and Critical Analysis of a Section Essay The Ph. D. dissertation process is an enjoyable and rewarding experience for the doctoral supervisor. The dissertation process involves working with a graduate student to get an idea in motion and following through the research process to new, positive results that lead to obtaining a Ph. D. degree, first job, and publishing career. By staying positive, a doctoral supervisor is able to help students overcome fears, risks, and challenges to achieve great rewards. The opinions in this paper are solely based on one supervisor’s 20 years worth of experience in chairing or as a committee member on 28 dissertations in marketing. The goal of this paper is to analyze the supervisor-student relationship as the dissertation process progresses and develops careers in publishing. Paraphrase A doctoral supervisor of Ph. D. dissertations serves as a critical player in the dissertation process. The supervisor starts by guiding the students to a novel idea that will allow research to culminate with the student obtaining a Ph. D. degree, first job, and published material on the research completed. The dissertation process is riddled with risks, obstacles, and fears by the students, but a supportive and understanding supervisor will allow the students the positive guidance needed for success in the dissertation process. Based on the 20 years experience of one American doctoral supervisor, the goal of the paper is to provide a glimpse at the relationship that is built between a dissertation supervisor and doctoral student during the dissertation process and to show that the rewards of following through are greater than the obstacles. Critical Analysis The written section about the experiences of one American doctoral supervisor of Ph.  D. dissertations has a personal, first person view of the graduate process. The paper will appeal to doctoral supervisors and students with an interest in formulating a positive, long-lasting relationship during the graduate school process. This particular supervisor has been personally successful at helping students navigate the dissertation process, obtain first jobs, and develop early careers in publishing. The section is not as effective as it would have been had the author used specific examples of success, rather than just stating that the doctoral supervisor needs to have positive attitude about the process. The author also should explain in more detail his experience in marketing research so as to captivate a wider audience interest in the topic of the section. Overall, the goal of the paper was stated, an outline of the topics to be discussed were given, as well as a brief history of the experience of the writer were discussed and would be of current interest to those dissertation supervisors and doctoral students starting out on the dissertation and career development road.

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