Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Action Plan Development for Administration of Medicine Essay

Action Plan Development for Administration of Medicine - Essay Example The preparation of an action plan is quite vital in ensuring student and practicing nurses achieve their objectives. Thus, instead of worrying about the future, it pays to start planning for it through action plans. The main steps in the drafting of an action plan include the identification of objectives, the setting of achievable and measurable objectives, prioritisation of tasks and the identification of the necessary steps to achieving goals. The other steps include being able to effectively work under pressure and complete tasks in time. By writing down objectives, one’s goals and dreams are turned into plans, provided the plan is thought out, acted on and reflected upon. Importantly, a timetable would ensure a nurse’s action plan is effective, has clear-set goals and defined steps. This action plan on administration of medicine explores the areas in which I have tangible and sufficient coverage, knowledge and skills and the areas that need improvement. Moreover, th e action plan covers the strategies, interventions and the timetable by which the improvements will be achieved. Achievements in Drug Administration At this level of my nursing course, I have covered quite a vast area as far as medication administration is concerned. Most important in the areas covered are the general implications and principles of medication administrations. Although a common practice among nurses, medicine administration is a rather crucial clinical procedure, which refers to the manner in which medicine is delivered and controlled. In fact, the manner in which medicine is administered determines the probability of a patient gaining any clinical benefits or suffering diverse effects of medication (Doerr-MacEwen & Haight, 2006). Among the major areas of medication administration so far covered include the factors affecting drug bioavailability, types/routes of drug administration, and NMC’s guide for administration of medicines among other areas. Drug bioava ilability refers to the proportion of an administered medication, which actually reaches a patient’s systemic circulation and is distributed to the intended action site using the different routes of administration result that result in different levels of bioavailability. This is an important knowledge on medicine administration given that nurses should understand the best route that would yield the most bioavailability for a drug. For instance, drugs delivered through direct IV injection supposedly have 100% bioavailability. In addition, certain types of drugs are absorbed best in certain organs or systems of the body. For example, if administered so that they are absorbed by the gastrointestinal mucosa, certain medicines could end up having bioavailability comparable to that of an IV injected drugs. Unfortunately, many drugs lack the level of bioavailability by the oral route, implying that they their oral dosage is usually higher than if given parenterally, which refers to the administration of a medication into the body via routes other than the gastro-intestinal tract (Miller &Miller, 2011). These routes could be infusion, injection or implantation. Routes of Administration Routes of administration are the other concepts of administration of medicine that I have covered well so far. There are numerous routes by which medicine may be delivered into the systemic circulation of a patient, each with its strengths and weaknesses. It is thus imperative that nurses understand these routes’ implications, effectiveness, weaknesses, strengths, and patient experience.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 13

Questions - Assignment Example On the other end, Google only managed to keep some of its products popular where the number of clients using their app was used to determine the company’s application store superiority. Compared to Google’s Android operating system, Apple’s application stores are better since users maintain that they are safe for storing data and allow easier access from whichever Web-activated device (Gale Emerging Industry Overviews, 2011). If all brands had a mobile app, it would be great for application store users. However, due to a number of reasons, it is not advisable for all brands to have a mobile app. For one, most people who use apps feel grateful to app developers yet they do not understand that these app developers may be misleading at many times. Actually, when a customer abandons an app after using it once, it turns out that the high download numbers happens to be part of the high churn rate present in the world. This is not good at all and therefore not all brands should have a mobile app (Pak, 2011). In conclusion, some of the success factors that would be substantial for any mobile application include simplicity and planning. In this case, the former means that there will be broad awareness that will enable the manufacturer to understand the needs of a customer (Gale Emerging Industry Overviews, 2011). On the other end, the latter would help the customer be in a position to choose wisely from the many apps out there in the market. Pak, M. (2011). Mobile apps. Retrieved from https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=gmail&attid=0.2&thid=13ca3e70377d6688&mt=application/pdf&url=https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui%3D2%26ik%3D53dcd4b10d%26view%3Datt%26th%3D13ca3e70377d6688%26attid%3D0.2%26disp%3Dsafe%26realattid%3Df_hcr8r0ka1%26zw&sig=AHIEtbRAv_ISfwY3tGnBi-byrPCFoxBIkA on February 4, 2013. Gale Emerging Industry Overviews, (2011). Mobile